Honda CD175 rebuild

I have been without a restoration project for must be at least six weeks so things were getting desperate, but as always something turned up!

A casual remark from a friend on club night led me to not one but two and a half Japanese motorcycles , never thought I would say it but they were mid seventies and looked like an interesting project. The two Honda CD 175s were almost complete and with paperwork and the half of another would provide a good amount of spares including an engine.

So having now fetched them to the workshop they will provide interest for at least eighteen months. The pictures will tell their own story as restoration progresses.

These are the 2 bikes I started with, plus another half a bike for spares. This page will be updated as the rebuild progresses.

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The final result from the two and a half Honda CD 175's completed and running. Both will be eligible for historic vehicle status from May 2018.

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Honda CD175 rebuild Pt 2 - Engines.